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Stellar Blade 2 Leak Reveals Major Upgrade From First Game

Blade 2

Among the best games and greatest success stories of 2024 is Stellar Blade. Originally releasing three mobile games since its 2013 inception, South Korean developer Shift Up debuted on consoles. Furthermore, the debut has been quite successful; hence, Shift Up is expected to remain on the console market. One also expects Stellar Blade 2 to be under development. This means that the sequel will presumably have a significant improvement from the previous game.

Right now, there is a job opening for Shift Up asking candidates to have familiarity with Unreal Engine 5, so verifying the studio’s next game — most likely Stellar Blade 2 — is going to be produced on Unreal Engine 5. If this is the truth, it is a significant improvement from the first game, created using the increasingly antiquated Unreal Engine 4. Graphical accuracy will be the most obvious change in the engine upgrade; character modelling and animation especially will show this.

Though it is not really shocking to see Shift Up migrate to Unreal Engine 5 now that Unreal Engine 4 has passed its time, it is excellent to hear soft confirmation that this is happening. For what it is worth.


One can access Stellar Blade just on the PS5. Should Stellar Blade 2 be under development, it most surely qualifies as a PS6 game. Click this for additional series coverage.

“Unfortunately, many individuals will not have the opportunity to experience Stellar Blade,” begins our evaluation of the initial game.

That can be due to the fact that they have been discouraged by discussions. About the game’s protagonist, EVE, or it could be because the game is PlayStation exclusive, which fundamentally limits its audience.

Regardless of the rationale, it’s unfortunate that Stellar Blade might not achieve its full potential.

The fan service and comparisons to NieR Automata and the Bayonetta games belie the fact that Stellar Blade, despite its short size, offers surprisingly involved combat systems and beautiful creature designs.

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